
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mashed Potato Cassarole

This is something I came up with for a pot luck dinner. I was and still am desperate to use up the bushel and a half of potatoes I bought last fall. Now that the weather has started to warm up they are beginning to sprout. I only need a few to seed the garden.

I originally mixed the bacon in with the potatoes but I found the bacon got lost in the rest of the potato. So, I suggest the bacon be kept to the side and served with the cassarole

The amount of potato is realy what ever it takes to fill the pan.

Potatoes to fill the pan

500g bacon, cooked yeilds 125g68946.3
2.3kg potato with skins177446.5
2c cheddar, 235g101862.6
1c asiago, 97g34624.3
1/2c parmesan, 48g18817.2
500ml sour cream, 14%mf83316.6
1 tbsp peppercorn
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp granulated garlic

Total for dish: 4848 calories, 213.5g protein
Per 12 servings: 404 calories, 17.79g protein

1. Cook bacon until crisp and set aside

2. Cut the potato into pieces and boil in salted water until done

Boiled Potatoes

3. Grind the peppercorns, salt and garlic in a spice mill/coffee grinder.

4. In a stand mixer begin mashing the potato. Add the sour cream, 1/3-1/2 of the cheeses and the salt/pepper/garlic mixture. Continue mashing until all the ingredients have combined.

5. Spread the potato mixture into your baking pan and top with the remaining cheeses.

6. Bake at 375F for 45 minute to melt and brown the cheese.

Serve with the reserved bacon on the side.

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